5 favorite resources of workforce professionals

Two men talkingWhether you staff an employment program, advise students, or counsel clients on their career, CareerOneStop provides workforce professionals with resources tailored to help make your work in career exploration and job search more efficient and accurate. The bonus is that they’re all free and available to bookmark, or even insert into your own website.

From the feedback we’ve received from workforce professionals, we’ve learned that these 5 resources are collective favorites. Read on for a quick description and links for each.

1  Assessments to find career matches

Interest Assessment provides a list of career matches for you based on your responses to 30 short questions. The Interest Assessment was constructed from O*NET’s Interest Profiler, which is based on Dr. John Holland’s theory that people’s interests and work environments can be loosely classified into six different groups, Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

Skills Matcher helps you identify careers that match your skills, based on how you rate yourself on 40 different knowledge, skill, and ability questions. Your results show the average pay, typical education, and the outlook (new job opportunities expected) for jobs in each field. The Skills Matcher uses a statistical formula to compare your 40 skills ratings to the knowledge, skill, and ability (KSA) ratings associated with more than 900 O*NET occupations.

2  Career reports show in-demand occupations by state or nationwide

CareerOneStop’s new Career Reports offer snapshots of which occupations have the most openings, are fastest-growing (or slowest), pay the most, or employ the most workers—in any state or for the country as a whole. Data includes typical wages and education needed. Check out the reports below:

3  Career video library to explore career options visually

Explore our collection of videos on hundreds of different careers.

Career videos are organized into 16 clusters, or related types of work. Select a category to view a list of videos related to that cluster. Videos include career details such as tasks, work settings, education needed, and more.

We are in the process of updating every occupational video in our library; to see only the newer videos, select the “New career videos” tab from the menu.

4  Occupational information for quick, essential research

Career profiles are a great place to start career research, with details on more than 950 careers. Data includes:

  • What do people do on the job in this career?
  • What’s the employment outlook for this career?
  • How much money do people earn in this career?
  • How much education or training do people need for this career?
  • Is this career a good fit for your interests, skills, and abilities?

5  Targeted audience websites to serve groups with particular needs

  • Veteran and Military Transition Center is a one-stop website for employment, training, and financial help after military service.
  • Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders was created to help anyone with a criminal record learn the steps to find a good job, and build a successful and rewarding career.
  • GetMyFuture serves young adults age 16 to 24. Resources help young adults plan and achieve a path to career success with content on exploring careers, learning about training and education programs, and conducting a successful job search. Additional resources to overcome barriers and see success stories of successful young adults.

Getting the most from CareerOneStop

CareerOneStop also has a special outreach section just for counselors, trainers, and workforce professionals, that offers workshop or classroom curriculum, PowerPoint presentations, and more.

You can also use CareerOneStop data tools and resources on your own website. To learn how, check out the information on data downloads and using our Web API.


Conference-goers, come see us! CareerOneStop will host a booth at both the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals Conference, beginning May 21 in Phoenix, and the National Career Development Association Conference, also in Phoenix, starting June 21. If you attend, please stop by.



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