Category: Teachers

Find a summer job

Looking for a summer job? Want to earn some money and get work experience? Check out these tips to find a good summer job and be ready to apply when you find one! Get ready to apply Find job openings

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Careers for well-organized detail people

Organizing notes on a poster board

Do you naturally like to create order and organize things? Do you tend to notice details and find patterns? Or are you a “numbers person”?   The “Conventional” interest category These are characteristics of the “Conventional” interest; that’s one of

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Take the Interest Assessment to explore your future

young adults on their phones

Interests are a great place to start your career planning. Whether you’re a student, a new graduate, or just want some direction for your career, interests are a helpful framework to generate career ideas that fit what you like to

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Workforce professionals: Learn about your local job market

illustration of people building a job growth chart

Need to advise customers and clients about employment demand and typical wages? Want a better understanding of your state and local job market? CareerOneStop offers easy-to-use tools and information to help you learn about employment trends so that you can

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Find college scholarships that fit you

CareerOneStop Toolkit Scholarship Finder

There are thousands of scholarships out there; how can you narrow down the list of options to a reasonable number and actually figure out how to apply?

The Scholarship Finder makes it much easier, without ads or scams.

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Career Profile: Learn about Physician Assistants

African American physician assistant measuring a patient's height

If you’ve thought about becoming a Physician Assistant—or PA—you’re in good company. There are currently 139,100 PAs employed in the U.S. and the profession is growing much faster than most occupations. Check out the details below to learn about this

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Find yourself in STEM

Female mechanics or engineers examining aircraft engine

You may have heard the term “STEM” tossed around—referring to careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Or “STEAM”, which adds Arts to the mix. If you’re curious about what STEM is all about, take a look at this sector

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Earn a certificate after high school

Graduates tossing caps into the air

There are still a few weeks of summer, but if you are a high school senior or a parent of one, you have probably started to think about what’s going to happen once graduation day has passed. Many students either

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Workforce professionals: Skill up on using CareerOneStop!

illustration of people building a job growth chart

If you are a workforce professional, you depend on a variety of resources to support the success of your students or customers. Ideally, CareerOneStop should be one of them. CareerOneStop offers essential, easy-to-use tools built on authoritative data and information

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Options after high school

youth smiling

Wondering about what your options are once you complete high school – besides a 4-year degree?

Students and parents should know the full range of options open to them as they think ahead to graduation.

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