Category: Older workers

Resume tips for 55+ job seekers

Older men planting vegetables at greenhouse

Ready to update your resume? For job seekers age 55+, find specific ideas to update your resume, bring it up to speed with current hiring practices, and ensure it’s an effective tool for promoting your strengths. Current hiring practices  

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Need a job now? Find seasonal work

Woman gift wrapping packages

Need to earn some money or gain some work experience? A seasonal job can be easier to land than a permanent one, and offer the opportunity to grow your career or fill in an employment gap. Learn about seasonal jobs

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Earn career credentials quickly

Adults learning in classroom

Are you a working adult who wants to advance in your career? If part of what’s holding you back is a lack of current credentials, good news! There is a multitude of short-term training and credentials available that can help

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Job interview tips for older workers

A job interview is your time to shine during the job application process. To many employers, your social skills and your attitude is just as important as your job skills. Here are some tips to help you demonstrate the asset

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5 stereotypes of older workers—and how you can combat the bias and get hired

Do you think you may suffer from age discrimination in the job market? Hiring bias against any worker age 40 and older is illegal, but some job seekers still experience it. Be aware of these potential stereotypes so that you

Boost your success in virtual interviews

Young woman making video call through computer

Virtual interviews are similar to in-person interviews in many ways, but they also have important differences.

To shine in a video interview, learn about the methods, and try some of these important pointers.

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Hiring and working with GenZ employees

Work team of different ages and ethnicities

Most successful workplaces include members of multiple generations.

Here, we look at some of the factors that make Gen Z unique.

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How to hire and retain older workers

With the national unemployment rate remaining well below 4 percent, the U.S. labor market is tight. If you’re an employer trying to fill positions, you probably already know this. You’ve likely also heard that it’s a great time to reach

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Certifications: A power tool for career advancement

office desktop with revise rebrand and the rethink text on clipboard

Want to improve the impression you make in your job search or advance in your current job?

Earning one or more professional certification demonstrates your subject matter knowledge and skill, as well as your motivation to add a credential to your qualifications.

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Find a workplace culture you’ll thrive in

customer service representative

Thriving in a workplace culture can be a happy accident-or a well-planned success.

Learn how to match your work values to a workplace culture.

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