Spring job search refresh: Start targeting employers

Looking for a better way to find your next job? Try reaching out to employers directly to uncover potential jobs. Follow these four steps to launch a targeted job search. You’ll find that it’s much easier and more effective than you may expect.

1 Generate a starter list of potential employers

Using the Business Finder, enter your location and the name of your preferred job title, industry, or company. You’ll see a list of companies, listing name, address, number of employees, and distance from your location. Select a company to see phone number, website (where available), year established, key contact person, and their job title.

2 Narrow it down to a manageable list of good prospects

  • Find employers in your chosen location. Enter a ZIP code in location search to see the distance to companies. Then sort your results by Distance, “Low to High” to see closest companies first. Do you use public transportation? Want to find work near your children’s school or day care? Or just prefer a shorter commute? Finding employment nearby can save time, energy, fuel, and potentially, stress.
  • Focus on companies of a specific size. Filter your results to show businesses of the size you prefer, by approximate number of employees.
    • Smaller companies tend to offer jobs with greater variety and may be more inclined to value the experience of older workers. Relationships are emphasized more in smaller organizations since there tends to be greater interdependence than at larger organizations.
    • Larger companies may offer better benefits, and salary increases or advancement opportunities. They also tend to value the skills, eagerness for training, and flexibility that younger workers may bring.

3 Explore the websites of companies still on your list

  • Look for current job listings under “careers”, “openings”, “join our team”, or similar. 
  • Read their “about us” section. What is their mission, history, and organizational value set? Does it sound like a place you would thrive? 
  • Review their main content, i.e. key products, services, and major projects. Do these fit your career goals? Look interesting? Does their activity inspire your confidence?
  • Check out their social media sites and news media references to gather research.

4 Start your outreach

  • For the companies that pass your standards for good prospects, look for hiring contacts using the Business Finder, company website, or social media. Look for email addresses or phone numbers. Focus on managers or directors in the area you’d like to work. Can you find connections to the company or individual through professional associations, alumni groups you’re a part of, social media groups, other?
  • Start by sending them a short email to introduce yourself and note any connection you have to them. Ask if they could suggest ideas or next steps for you or know of job openings. You could also ask about company culture, referrals to others in the field, or other questions you have.
  • Be sure to attach your resume and describe how you will follow up with them. Follow up with an email a few days later. Also, consider volunteering for organizations that interest you, to get an “in”.
  • It can be helpful to set a goal for a specific number of employers you will reach out to. Keep a calendar, list, or spreadsheet to track the dates you initiate contact so that you can manage your follow up communications effectively.
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