CareerOneStop helps identify your best training options

Young woman working on computer

Ready to take the next step to advance your career but not sure where to start?  CareerOneStop is a gateway to information about a range of education options from getting your GED to earning a short-term credential or an advanced degree. Get started exploring the options below:

High school equivalency        

An alternative to a high school diploma, usually earned by taking the GED or another approved exam, having your GED can help you qualify for a job or enter a short-term training or college program.

Adult Basic Education

Need to brush up on up math, computer, work readiness skills? ABE offers classes in basic skills, English as a second language, life skills, and more. ABE courses are often free if your income is low.

Short-term training

Short-term training can offer a quick entry to career paths in health care, IT, manufacturing, driving, and other fields. Classes are often offered through community colleges and last two years or less.

College degree          

Two- or four-year college degrees are often required for professional careers. Financial aid is often available also, so check out program in your field of interest to see what you might qualify for.


Certifications are a credential that you earn by taking a test to prove your knowledge or skills. No matter where you are in your career, earning a certification is a great way to stay competitive in your field.

Professional development      

Professional development includes any activities that help you keep up to date in your field. Connect with professional associations in your field to enhance your professional development.

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