Is a new job on your list of goals for the new year?
With the economy looking up and the holiday season in the rearview mirror, many companies are ready to ramp up hiring this month.
Sounds great, right? So what kind of job should you be looking for? The best job for anyone is always going to be one that you’re good at (i..e. uses your skills), that inspires you (by matching your interests), and that meets your salary requirements.
It also helps to consider the demand for jobs you’re interested in. (After all, if you can’t get hired, the best-fit job for you is pretty meaningless). CareerOneStop offers several ways to learn about demand for different careers. You can find the occupations with the most openings, the occupations expected to grow fastest, or the ones with the largest employment.
Another way to understand employment demand is to look at employer job postings. That’s what CareerBuilder and Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. (EMSI) did late in 2015. They analyzed 700 occupations by comparing monthly job postings to the number of actual hires (they also looked at a range of other data including earnings, job growth, and more; see their full report.)
Of course no one method of measuring job demand is perfect, but the CareerBuilder/EMSI results are a good starting point for exploring careers where you have a good chance of getting hired. Take a look at their top ten lists below—one for jobs that require a college degree, and one for jobs that don’t.
Top 10 in-demand occupations that require a college degree
- Registered nurses
- Software developers, applications
- Marketing managers
- Sales managers
- Medical and health services managers
- Network and computer systems administrators
- Industrial engineers
- Computer systems analysts
- Web developers
- Financial managers
Top 10 in-demand occupations that don’t require a college degree
- Heavy and tractor trailer truck drivers
- Food service managers
- Computer user support specialists
- Insurance sales agents
- Medical records and health
- Surgical technologists
- Bus and truck mechanics
- Transportation, storage and distributions managers
- Purchasing agents
- Medical secretaries