Power your job search with CareerOneStop’s Job Finder

Ready to expand the reach of your job search?

CareerOneStop’s Job Finder taps four different job banks to maximize the number of job postings you’ll uncover. With access to authenticated job openings that are updated daily, direct links to job applications, and a mobile app, the Job Finder combines convenience with capability. Plus, you don’t have to register to use it.

JobFinderToolsMem.fwWhat does this tool do?

The Job Finder lets you search thousands of job listings, updated daily, from all over the United States. You can filter your results several different ways to customize your list, and then download your list of job openings in different formats to suit your needs.

For each posting on your list, you will see the job title linked to the job posting, company name, location, and date of job posting. You will also see a list of related occupations, a helpful way to expand your search.

How do I get started?

Get started by entering a keyword for a job title, skill, or employer, and a location. Then click ‘Search.” You’ll see a list of job openings.

You can click on any job title to learn more or apply for a position. You’ll go directly to the job posting or hiring company’s website, where you can usually apply directly for the position. Some companies require you to register to apply.

What if I’m not seeing job postings that interest me?

You can view more job postings by entering different keywords. Insider’s tip: the fewer words you use, the more postings will match your keywords.

You can also increase your results by changing your location between city, ZIP code, or state. For example, sometimes when you enter a city or ZIP code, you might miss job postings that an employer coded to match an entire state.

What if my list of job postings is too broad—and too long?

Online job banks often produce long lists of jobs that you have to sort through one by one. The Job Finder offers several filters to help you narrow down your list to the most relevant postings:

  • Filter by company. If you’re interested in working for a particular company, click on the business name in the list to see only job listings from that company.
  • Filter by location. You can also narrow your results by clicking on any location in the list. You’ll see only job listings for that location.
  • Filter by date posted. Use this list to filter the job listings by date—for instance click “1 Day Back” if you only want to see jobs posted in the past day.
  • Narrow your list by occupation. Click on one of the “related ocupations” to see only job postings for that field.

Where do the job listings come from?

CareerOneStop uses four sources for job postings. You can choose “Source” to select one of the job posting sources. Current sources include:

  • US.jobs
  • Americas Job Exchange
  • CareerBuilder
  • indeed

Is one job bank more official than the others?

US.jobs has requirements that limit duplication of job postings and establish a higher standard of authentication that jobs listings are current and really do exist.

US.jobs is co-sponsored by the Direct Employers Association and the National Association of State Workforce Agencies. It includes jobs posted on state job banks, on which all employers can post jobs free of charge, as well as jobs posted on more than 9,000 company websites. US.jobs is the default source when you do not select one.


The Job Finder is available as a mobile tool on the CareerOneStop website.  It is also one of the six tools included in the new CareerOneStop Mobile app, available for free in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.

View CareerOneStop’s full Job Search section for more help with your job search.



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