CareerOnestop.org offers a wealth of tools and resources for job seeking. You’ll find information on planning your job search, networking, polishing your resume, and more.
But when you’re ready to get down to the work of identifying employers and places to apply, here are three tools you can focus on.
1) Job Finder
The most obvious place to start finding potential jobs is an online job search tool, and CareerOneStop’s Job Finder is updated daily with thousands of job postings from four major job search engines: CareerBuilder, Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and NLx (by the National Labor Exchange, which is co-sponsored by the Direct Employers Association and the National Association of State Workforce Agencies).
Get started by entering a keyword for a job title, employer, or career field along with your city, state, or ZIP code. You’ll be able to search and filter job postings, and link directly to websites to apply. If you’re not familiar with searching for jobs online, learn more about what to do and what to avoid on online job banks.
2) Business Finder
You may have heard that a large portion of open positions never even get posted before they’re filled. So finding employers that hire in your field and approaching them directing is a sound job search strategy. CareerOneStop’s Business Finder is a great place to start.
You can search by business name, industry, or occupation and identify employers in any U.S. location. Then, learn more about how to contact potential employers to learn about job openings.
3) Professional Association Finder
Professional Associations are another great resource for identifying employers in your field. These organizations specialize in specific careers or industries and they are one of the best ways to learn about trends and unadvertised jobs. Many members are eager to help job seekers and often know employers with open positions.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, CareerOneStop’s Professional Association Finder can help you identify organizations representing your field or interest. Then, learn more about how networking van help you find a job.