5 tips for teens looking for a summer job

Teen job seekerSummer’s officially here, but it’s not too late to search for and land a summer job. With unemployment rates down across the country, it’s getting easier to find a job even when you don’t have experience—but, you still have to put effort into a job search.

Follow these 5 tips to help make your search successful:

Think outside the box when you’re looking for opportunities. Take a walk around your neighborhood or city and look for help wanted signs, check out online job banks, network with everyone you know, and check out these ideas for first jobs.

Take the application seriously. Whether it’s paper or online, take the time to fill out an application completely. This might mean you have to spend some time collecting names and phone numbers of references, former jobs, etc., but it will show a future employer that you take the job opportunity seriously and that you take the time to follow through with tasks. Learn more about job applications.

Be engaged during the interview. Smile, look the interviewer in the eye, and give more than one-word answers to questions. Also, ask questions that show you’re interested in the work (don’t make all your questions about pay and time off!). Find more interview tips.

Put away your phone! This should be obvious, but employers say they’re constantly surprised by how many teens look at, or even text on, their phones during interviews. If you think you can’t trust yourself to keep your phone hidden during your interview, leave it at home!

Continue to work on making a good impression—even after you’ve got the job. Show up for your first day on time, dressed appropriately, and ready to work. Read more about what to expect on the job.

Ready? Time to find a job!

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