Beginning March 2, CareerOneStop’s brand-new Credentials Center will be a one-stop site for your education and training needs.
Credentials such as degrees, certificates, or certifications can help people enter a field, land a job, or advance in their current job. But figuring out the best plan for any one person can be a daunting task—the available options range from short-term skills refreshers to advanced graduate degrees.
CareerOneStop’s new Credentials Center aims to streamline and simplify the process of making those education and training decisions—while helping people keep their eyes on their larger career goals. The website includes online tools, information, and resources to help people sort through the range of available options and make informed decisons about the best plan for their own unique situation.
Anybody can get started in one of the website’s four main sections:
- Training Options—Find straightforward information on the range of available training options, from achieving a GED to obtaining a certificate, certification, or advanced degree
- Afford Training—Learn about financial aid, training benefits, and other sources of paying for education and training
- Find your Path—Plan and meet training goals based on unique needs and experiences as well as labor market demand
- Toolkit—Access free, user-friendly tools to help locate training programs, schools, certifications, apprenticeships, occupational licenses, professional associations, American Job Centers, local job postings, and more
The Credentials Center is set to launch March 2. Afer that, check back here or visit CareerOneStop to link to the Credentials Center—then, tell us what you think below!