In honor of Labor Day 2023, celebrated on September 4, we’re celebrating the U.S. Department of Labor’s commitment to growing the U.S. economy by improving job quality, equity, and accessibility for all workers. The USDOL has more than two dozen internal divisions, focusing on everything from occupational safety to fair overtime pay.
One of those divisions—the Employment and Training Administration—is charged with “providing high-quality job training, employment, labor market information, and income maintenance services primarily through state and local workforce development systems.” To meet that charge, USDOL ETA oversees a variety of programs in every state to help workers achieve and maintain success. CareerOneStop offers easy-to-use finder tools to help you locate and contact ETA programs that you may qualify for.
Check out these tools to help your locate employment programs in your local area:
American Job Center Finder
Nearly 2,300 AJCs nationwide offer free assistance to help people search for jobs, find training, and answer other employment-related questions.
Apprenticeship Office Finder
Apprenticeships are a combination of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction in which workers learn the practical and theoretical aspects of a highly skilled occupation.
Employment Networks Finder
If you receive Social Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Employment Networks can help you with free career counseling, job placement, and ongoing support once you have started working.
Farmworker Jobs Program Finder
Services for migrant and other seasonally-employed farmworkers and their families, which include job training and other services to address employment-related needs.
Job Corps Center Finder
Job Corps provides the all-around skills needed to succeed in a career and in life for eligible young people ages 16-24. Call (800) 733-JOBS or (800) 733-5627 or click the link above to find a program near you.
Native American Program Finder
Employment and training services specific to Native American communities are aligned with the traditional cultural values and beliefs of the people they serve.
Older Worker Program Finder
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) helps subsidize part-time employment and training in community service positions so that older workers can move to unsubsidized, private-sector jobs.
ReEntry Program Finder
ReEntry employment programs, often funded through USDOL ETA, offer employment and other assistance to those with a criminal record
Refugee Assistance Finder
Refugee assistnace programs help refugees overcome barriers to employment.
WIOA-Eligible Training Program Finder
WIOA provides retraining funding for laid-off workers who qualify for services. Funds may be used at education institutions on the WIOA-eligible training provider list shown in this map.
Youth Program Finder
A variety of youth programs offer free job, career, and training assistance to individuals age 14 to 24..