Finding a way through career barriers

Plant growing in sidewalk crackFor any job seeker who faces obstacles and frustration on their way to landing a good job, it’s worth knowing that you’re far from alone. Many job seekers experience some kind of barrier to reaching their career goals. For some, there are systemic issues that limit their opportunities, and others deal with individual barriers that may prevent them from achieving the kind of career they hope to have.

One of the “equalizers” that helps put job seekers on an even playing field is information. Getting insight about your own work-related interests and skills, as well as learning about different types of work that are in demand by employers and that you might like and be successful at, can help build a foundation for better career decisions.

Check out these resources for mitigating job search barriers for youth, veterans transitioning from military service to civilian workplaces, older workers, those who have a criminal conviction in their background, and more. You’ll find both solid career information as well as links to local help for in-person guidance and support.

  • GetMyFuture For young adults in search of education, a job, or a longer term career path, GetMyFuture provides stories of how several young adults broke down through obstacles of poverty, lack of family support, addiction, and others. Key resources include career assessment, first jobs, Youth Program Finder.
  • Job Search for Ex-offenders How to talk about your conviction, interviews, job applications, getting job leads, first jobs after release.
  • Veteran and Military Transition Center Understanding the civilian workplace, how to present your credentials, experience and training from military service in a context that will be understood by civilian employers, Veterans Job Matcher.
  • Resources for older workers Choosing work for where you are now in life, ideas for handling age discrimination.
  • Credentials Center Access education and training information to help qualify for work you want to do and can grow with.

You can also find in-person help with job search and career information at your local American Job Center!

This week, CareerOneStop will join hundreds of career and workforce professionals to share ideas and experience with breaking down barriers for job seekers across the country. National Career Development Association meets June 27-28 in Houston, Texas; if you attend the conference, stop by to visit our table.

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