Are you one of the many parents with school-aged children at home with a lot of time on their hands? Maybe you’re waiting for online classes or school-sponsored home-based activities to ramp up, and could use some fun educational activities to keep them busy.
If you are looking for meaningful, engaging exercises for children elementary age through high school, check out these fun, free, practical ways they can learn about different careers on CareerOneStop. This U.S. Department of Labor sponsored website offers kids a variety of ways to explore their work ideas and think about their future education.
Students can take a career assessment, read about exciting career options, or watch videos to learn about hundreds of different types of occupations, including their typical work tasks, education needed, average salaries, and more. Using these links, students can:
- Choose from more than 500 career videos to watch on CareerOneStop’s video library, or view video playlists organized by career cluster on our YouTube channel
- Explore the GetMyFuture website for youth and young adults, where they’ll find a User Guide to walk them through steps to identify a career choice, make a training plan, apply for a job, or download worksheets
- Learn about how their interests relate to career choices and take an interest assessment
- Read up on the careers that grab their attention, learning what people do on the job, how much they earn, and what levels of education or training are needed to work in the career, from Career Profiles
- Learn about different types of education after high school and what they offer and what they require
- Research colleges and programs on the Local Training Finder, and search the Scholarship Finder for scholarships that fit their needs and circumstances
- Get ideas about how to gain work experience before their first job
- Follow guidelines to create a resume, a requirement in many states as early as 8th or 9th grade