Wondering which kinds of jobs pay the most?
Check out this list of highest-paying careers* in the United States, for every level of education from high school to advanced degrees. Click on any career name to see a full profile of information about that occupation. You can also create lists of the highest-pay occupations in your own state at CareerOneStop’s Highest-Paying Careers.
High school diploma or equivalent
Nuclear Power Reactor Operators Average salary: $104,000
Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers Average salary: $96,400
Some college (usually a post-secondary “non-degree” award)
Makeup Artists, Theatrical and Performance Average salary: $106,900
Electrical and Electronics Repairers Average salary: $85,300
Associate’s degree
Air Traffic Controllers Average salary: $130,400
Radiation Therapists Average salary: $86,900
Bachelor’s degree
Chief Executives Average salary: $186,000
Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers Average salary: $161,000
Master’s degree or higher
Anesthesiologists Average salary: $208,000+
Psychiatrists Average salary: $208,000+
*All salary data here come from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) May 2020 (latest available) survey.