If you don’t have a high school diploma, you can earn a high school equivalency (HSE) now and get the full benefits of a high school diploma.
Having your HSE can open a lot of doors. People who have a diploma or equivalency earn more than people who don’t. Also, many jobs and training programs require that you have one or the other.
What is a high school equivalency?
A high school equivalency or HSE is a recognized alternative to a high school diploma. You may have heard it called a GED. There are three common exams used to determine high school equivalency:
- The General Educational Development (GED®) test
- The High School Equivalency Test (HiSET)
- The Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC)
What high school equivalency exams does my state offer?
States typically promote and endorse one or more high school equivalency diplomas. Find your state high school equivalency options and learn what’s available in your state. Note that many states continue to update their options, so check with your state’s education agency to be sure you have the latest information.