Did you know CareerOneStop offers a collection of reports to help you better understand the employment climate where you live?
If you’re looking for a job, contemplating a move, or just thinking about switching careers, it pays to learn about the employment market. Check out the following reports to find information for your own or any other state:
See which occupations have the highest median wages. You can also see the typical educaiton required for each career.
Find out which occupations are growing the fastest. Includes details about employment, wages, and education.
Careers with the Most Openings
See the occupations with the most openings. And see details about employment, number of estimated openings, wages, and education.
Careers with the Largest Employment
See the occupations that employ the most people. Also find details about employment, earnings, and education.
Careers with Declining Employment
See a list of occupations with the largest declines in employment by state or nationwide. Plus, see details about employment, earnings, and education.