Looking for a career with a decent paycheck, but not sure you have the time to start or finish a college degree?
Check out this list of five occupations that pay well and don’t typically require a degree.
Looking for a career with a decent paycheck, but not sure you have the time to start or finish a college degree?
Check out this list of five occupations that pay well and don’t typically require a degree.
Ever had a job you liked, but didn’t like the company you worked for? How about a career that sounded good, but just didn’t feel right?
The chances are it was a case of values mismatch.
Do you feel like it’s time to make the leap to a new career—but aren’t sure what that career should be?
Whatever your motivation for thinking about a career change, CareerOneStop’s mySkills myFuture is a great place to get started. The website is easy-to-use, free, and includes unbiased career and employment information. The best part? You can get started exploring your new career in five minutes or less.
Between your grades, your friends, your family, and maybe a job . . . career planning can pretty quickly sink to the bottom of your list of things to think about.
But think about this: you’ll probably spend a large amount of your adult life working.
Increase your chances of career and job satisfaction by planning early.