Thinking about starting or going back to college? Some of today’s hottest careers are available to graduates with Associate’s or other two-year degrees.
Take a look at this list of the ten careers expected to have the most job openings of all occupations that typically require a two-year degree.
10) Computer network support specialists
9) Respiratory therapists
8) Physical therapist assistants
7) Web developers
6) Radiologic technologists
5) Medical and clinical laboratory technicians
4) Paralegals and legal assistants
3) Dental hygienists
2) Preschool teachers
1) Registered nurses
Want to know more? Visit CareerOneStop’s Occupations with the Most Openings for more information, including:
- The expected number of openings in any state
- Occupation descriptions and average wages
- Lists of jobs with the most openings for different levels of education, including high school, college, or graduate degrees.
This list is based on U.S. Department of Labor employment projections for the years 2012 to 2022. Openings can be projected to occur because new jobs will be created or because workers will retire.
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