Top 10 jobs for work-life balance

When you think of the good life where do your thoughts go?  Maybe you think of traveling the world or relaxing on a tropical beach?  Spending time with friends and family?  Or working as a data scientist?

work life balanceIt turns out that data scientists may be some of the happiest workers around.  At least that’s what a recent study of employee feedback posted on Glassdoor shows.  The job-listing website asked employees to rate their sense of work-life balance on a scale of 0 (worst) to 5 (best).

The results?  Kind of depressing, actually:  Glassdoor has been asking the same question since 2009, when the average score was 3.5.  In 2015, that dropped to 3.2.  Data scientist ranked highest this year with a 4.2 work-life balance rating.

What else ranked high on the list?  In the top ten were six tech-based jobs (SEO manager, social media manager, UX designer, digital marketing manager and web developer), two recruiting-related jobs (talent acquisition specialist and recruiting coordinator) and—surprising many of us who remember how poorly we treated them in junior high school—substitute teachers. Below are the top ten and their rankings:

  1. Data scientist (4.2)
  2. SEO manager (4.1)
  3. Talent acquisition specialist (4.0)
  4. Social media manager (4.0)
  5. Substitute teacher (3.9)
  6. Recruiting coordinator (3.9)
  7. UX designer (3.9)
  8. Digital marketing manager (3.9)
  9. Marketing assistant (3.8)
  10. Web developer (3.8)

Check out the rest of the list at Glassdoor’s 25 Best Jobs for Work-Life Balance (2015). Then, learn more about finding the right career for you at CareerOneStop’s Explore Careers.

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