Workforce professionals: Learn about your local job market

illustration of people building a job growth chart

Need to advise customers and clients about employment demand and typical wages? Want a better understanding of your state and local job market? CareerOneStop offers easy-to-use tools and information to help you learn about employment trends so that you can advise your students and customers.

Check out any of these tools to learn more:

  1. What’s hot? Career reports
    Find out which occupations in your state are: growing the fastest; have the most openings; provide the largest employment; pay the most; and are declining most rapidly. Reports include details about employment, wages, and education.

2. Salary Finder
Use this tool to find salary information for more than 800 different occupations. Helpful to get an idea of appropriate salary ranges to negotiate for, as well as to learn typical earnings to expect in your local area for a given occupation.

3. Largest Employers
Large organizations often hire a number of employees in a variety of positions, on an ongoing or seasonal basis. Learn which 150 organizations in your state employ the greatest number of people.

4. Business Finder
To find detailed information on more than 12 million employers in the U.S., just enter a keyword to search. You can find local organizations that employ people in a particular occupation, industry, or to research a specific business. You can narrow your results by number of employees, description, industry, or location. Select an employer name to see a brief profile with street address, contact information, map, and links to their website, where available.

Explore their websites to learn about the organization, and check for current job openings – usually listed under links named “Employment”, “Careers”, or “Job openings”. This is a great tool for targeted job searches, or to expand your list of potential partners or employers to reach out to for job development, as well as to scan to learn about businesses in your local area.

5. Occupation Profile
Select any career title to read details such as typical tasks, pay, education needed, and demand. You can learn about the occupation’s employment projections in your state and nationally for a 10-year stretch, and see typical wages for your local metropolitan area, state, or the U.S.

6. What’s in demand?
There are a lot of opportunities for job seekers in the current job market. There are now more jobs in the United States than there were before the pandemic.

So where exactly are the jobs? See monthly updates to get a quick scan of the national job market: how many jobs have been added in the previous month, key industries that are hiring, and how to learn more about those industries on CareerOneStop.

7. Employment Patterns
You can look up a job title or occupation to see which industries are most likely to have hiring needs for that job . Employment Patterns shows the name of industries that employ the most people in any of 800 different types of work. While data are national, this tool is especially powerful paired with the Business Finder to help you point job seekers toward a variety of appropriate employers in your area for their field. 

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