If you’re a veteran or plan to transition out of active military service soon, did you know there’s a nationwide network of experienced workforce professionals dedicated to supporting your employment success? Take a look at how Veterans Representatives can help you find a job that fits your goals and handle any barriers that might affect your success at work.
What are Veterans Representatives?
Veterans Representatives are employment professionals who serve veterans exclusively. Their salaries are paid for through the U.S. Department of Labor Veterans Employment and Training Office, and they are located throughout the country at American Job Centers, and occasionally at veterans hospitals.
Vets Reps are dedicated to serving veterans, transitioning service members, and their spouses with job search and training help, job placement and related resources. Their major focus is directed toward serving those who are economically or educationally disadvantaged.
There are two types of Vets Reps:
- Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOPs) Specialists provide individualized services for veterans and eligible spouses to find meaningful civilian jobs. Eligible participants have significant barriers to employment such as disability, long-term unemployment, homelessness, a criminal record, low income, Vietnam-era service, young veterans (ages 18-24), lack of a high school diploma or equivalent, injured or ill and currently receiving treatment at military treatment facilities. (Title 38 eligibility applies)
- Local Veterans’ Employment Representatives (LVERs) conduct outreach to local businesses and employers to raise awareness of the availability and benefit of hiring veterans, and facilitate the employment, training, and placement services for veterans based at American Job Centers.
What are examples of services Vets Reps offer?
DVOPs offer a variety of intensive services, including:
- Comprehensive and specialized assessments of skill levels and service needs
- Development of an individual employment plan
- Group and individual counseling and career planning
- Short-term employability skill development
- Assistance to obtain vocational rehabilitation services
LVERs efforts to promote veteran employment include:
- Plan and participate in job and career fairs
- Conduct job search workshops, and establish job search groups
- Coordinate with unions, apprenticeship programs and businesses or business organizations to promote and secure employment and training programs for veterans
- Promote credentialing and licensing opportunities for veterans
- Conduct seminars for employers, coordinate and participate with other business outreach efforts at AJCs
How can I find my closest Veterans Representative?
You can find a phone number and e-mail address for Veterans Representatives in your area to reach out to for information about services and eligibility. Use the American Job Center Finder to look up your nearest AJC location/s; the Center Information includes whether a Veterans Representative works at that location. Select the name of the AJC office that is most convenient, and a detail page appears with a direct phone number and email address for each veterans rep on staff there, in the General Information section.
For more information on job search, visit the Veteran and Military Transition Center on CareerOneStop. Find your nearest American Job Center for services for veterans and eligible spouses who do not qualify to receive intensive services.