This weekend CareerOneStop is excited to join thousands of school counseling professionals in Austin, Texas, for the American School Counselor Association Annual Conference.
Are you a school counselor looking for solid resources to help your students advance their career planning? Whether you plan to be at the ASCA conference or not, you’ll find lots of great resources on GetMyFuture, CareerOneStop’s website for young adults ages 16-24.
The site is free, mobile friendly, and full of resources for youth and the intermediaries who work with them on career, education, and employment goals. Key features for school counselors include:
- A Youth Program Finder to locate employment programs that serve young adults in any U.S. area.
- A quick 30-question Interest assessment, based on the Holland code system (RIASEC), that provides immediate results linking students to detailed career information.
- Free occupation profiles with key points about employment demand and wages in your local area, education required, tasks, a career video, and more.
- A quick overview of college: basic facts, how to apply, how to pay.
- A Scholarship Finder, letting students easily search more than 7,500 scholarships, fellowships and grants.
- Apprenticeship and short-term training resources for students who want good alternatives to a 4-year degree.
- Job search and work readiness content, including first jobs information, work documents, preparing resumes and applications.
- Success stories for youth and young adults with significant obstacles to success.
- Justice-involved resources.
- Foster-care system resources.
- Additional resources for special groups such as young parents, youth with chemical addictions, and those seeking financial literacy.
- A User Guide for counselors and teachers, with worksheets to download or print, step-by-step pathways through the major content sections, and quick access to videos.
Will you be in Austin at the ASCA conference July 9-12? Stop by Booth 1018 to visit CareerOneStop. We’d love to show you our free resources, hear about your work, and ask you what other resources you’d like see from us! CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration.