Author: CareerOneStop

Small business? Check out these free hiring resources

Hiring the right employees is essential to every organization’s success. CareerOneStop’s Business Center offers tools and information on best practices for the critical steps in your hiring process. Learn about recruiting, screening, onboarding, and ensuring  diversity in your workforce. Identify

Job search resources for prisoners and ex-offenders

CareerOneStop's Toolkit

CareerOneStop announces, an online, secure version of CereerOneStop websites, with all external links disabled.

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For veterans thinking about college

GI Bill logo

If you’re a veteran thinking about enrolling in or returning to college, you probably know about the GI Bill, the education benefit program run by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

But did you know you know that the VA offers other educational benefit programs and resources to help you find the right college?

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Thinking about self-employment?

woman working at desk

Working for yourself can be a great way to tailor your work to your specific talents and interests. It can also be a great way to be able to set your own schedule and workplace expectations.

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Why you should consider an apprenticeship

An apprenticeship combines a full-time job with training—and can prepare you to enter a specialized career field. Apprenticeships are a great way for entry-level workers to get started in a number of well-paying occupations in industries like manufacturing, construction, health care,

Why you should research salaries before you job hunt

Woman on laptop

Whatever stage of your job search you’re in—from just getting started to negotiating an offer—it’s a great idea to understand typical salary ranges for the careers you’re interested in.

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5 great careers for animal lovers

dog trainer working with a dog

Love animals? 

Take a look at this list of careers that will keep you around animals nearly every day of your work life.

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It’s Teacher Appreciation Week!

teacher in front of class

Whether you’re a current, former, or future student, this is the week to #thankateacher.

In honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week, we’ve gathered some teacher-related career stats.

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Locate youth employment programs in any U.S. neighborhood

counselor helping young people at an employment program site

Do you have young people in your life who could use some job, training, or career assistance?

Youth employment programs offer a range of services to help people plan and achieve career, training, or employment goals.

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Research your local job market

Man using computer to do career research.

Did you know CareerOneStop offers a collection of reports to help you better understand the employment climate where you live?

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