Category: Career changers

Why you should consider an apprenticeship

An apprenticeship combines a full-time job with training—and can prepare you to enter a specialized career field. Apprenticeships are a great way for entry-level workers to get started in a number of well-paying occupations in industries like manufacturing, construction, health care,

Independence on the job

Independence Day

As we approach the 4th of July holiday, it’s worth remembering that Independence Day celebrates our collective and individual freedom. That’s a value that’s present in nearly every facet of American life, including our work lives. At a workplace, expressing independence

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Why you should research salaries before you job hunt

Woman on laptop

Whatever stage of your job search you’re in—from just getting started to negotiating an offer—it’s a great idea to understand typical salary ranges for the careers you’re interested in.

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Career Profile: Administrative Professionals

National Administrative Professionals’ Day is observed on April 25 this year.

Not only is it a great day to appreciate the work of individuals in these fields, but it’s also a chance to consider a career as a secretary or administrative assistant.

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Research your local job market

Man using computer to do career research.

Did you know CareerOneStop offers a collection of reports to help you better understand the employment climate where you live?

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Career Profile: Registered Nurses

Male and female nurses at desk

As of the most recent (2016) national count, there are nearly 3 million registered nurses working in the United States. That’s a huge number of jobs for one occupation!

And RN jobs are expected to continue to grow very fast over the next ten years.

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5 high-pay careers you can enter with a two-year degree

dental hygienist at work

There’s plenty of research showing that the more education you have, the more likely you are to earn a higher salary .

But what if you’re not sure you’re up for earning a four-year bachelor’s degree?  there are many careers that require two-year associate’s degrees and offer opportunities to earn good wages.

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Identify your skills—and explore new career options

New! Skills Matcher icon

CareerOneStop’s new Skills Matcher provides career options that match your current skills, helps identify the skills you have, and strengthens your skills awareness as you plan next steps for your career.

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New career tools in CareerOneStop Mobile

CareerOneStop Mobile logo

CareerOneStop’s free app for your mobile devices now includes 32 career tools!

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Time for a career change?

career change sign

Is this the year you’re going to make the leap to a new career? Sometimes a career change is inspired by the realities of the job market: salaries, demand, technology or any number of factors can be big motivators for

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