Tag: young adults

Find a summer job

Looking for a summer job? Want to earn some money and get work experience? Check out these tips to find a good summer job and be ready to apply when you find one! Get ready to apply Find job openings

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Need a job now? Find seasonal work

Woman gift wrapping packages

Need to earn some money or gain some work experience? A seasonal job can be easier to land than a permanent one, and offer the opportunity to grow your career or fill in an employment gap. Learn about seasonal jobs

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Take the Interest Assessment to explore your future

young adults on their phones

Interests are a great place to start your career planning. Whether you’re a student, a new graduate, or just want some direction for your career, interests are a helpful framework to generate career ideas that fit what you like to

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First job? You have lots of options

Pizza delivery

Looking for your first job? Wondering how to get hired? When it comes to getting a job, it’s true that “you’ve got to start somewhere,” and then learn skills on the job. But it’s helpful to know which positions are

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Find yourself in STEM

Female mechanics or engineers examining aircraft engine

You may have heard the term “STEM” tossed around—referring to careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Or “STEAM”, which adds Arts to the mix. If you’re curious about what STEM is all about, take a look at this sector

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Summer jobs for teens

Girls working in a community garden

Are you a teenager looking for work? This could be your lucky summer! There are many job openings in a wide variety of fields, and employers are motivated to fill jobs to maximize summer business – some are even paying

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Options after high school

youth smiling

Wondering about what your options are once you complete high school – besides a 4-year degree?

Students and parents should know the full range of options open to them as they think ahead to graduation.

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Need experience to get hired? Try these ideas

young coffee shop worker

Check out some of these different ways to build experience when you’ve never had a job.

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Young and no experience? Find job search help near you!

teenage boy working as supermarket cashier

As pandemic shutdowns end and the economy re-opens, this summer promises to have plenty of job opportunities.  Already many employers are reporting that they can’t fill open positions. But if you’re young and don’t have work experience, or if you

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Stories of success inspire young adults

young African American man working in a lab

Whether you are a young adult seeking a career path, or an employment counselor for youth and young adults, check out these success stories from real people who have overcome barriers to achieve education and career success.

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