Category: Students

Finish high school for your health

National Public Health Week logo

You might not think of education as a matter of health, but organizers of National Public Health Week do!

National Public Health Week priorities include helping all Americans achieve at least high school graduation.

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Can I get a moo? Celebrating Ag Day!

Ag Day logo

CareerOneStop is bringing special attention to the careers that support the agriculture industry on behalf of National Ag Day, March 21, 2017.

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Teachers: Try this Pi Day STEM career activity

Pi on Blackboard

If you’re a teacher, chances are you’ve found some fun ways to slip math into unexpected spots of your curriculum on Pi Day, otherwise known as 3.14 or March 14.

Pi Day also offers a great opportunity to get kids thinking about careers.

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Need a summer internship? Forward, March!

Group of interns

If you’re hoping to work in an internship this summer, it’s time to rev up your internship research and application efforts.

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National Engineer’s Week: Dream Big

engineers working together

It’s National Engineers Week, and that means thousands of students in elementary and high schools across the country are learning about the importance of the field of engineering.

Learn more about engineering careers.

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Explore a career in market research

business team working

Have you ever thought you knew what would sell a product better than the people in charge?

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Hats off to school counselors

National School Counseling Week, Feb 6-10, 2017

Did you know the week of February 6th is National School Counseling Week?

It’s a week to celebrate the impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.

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Career resources for youth: how to get started website logo

Information overload is one of the biggest downsides of the information age: sometimes it seems like there are so many available resources, data, information, and advice, it can be hard to know where to get started. CareerOneStop’s GetMyFuture website for young

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New Year goal #1: Join a professional association

Goals for 2017

Make 2017 the year you take a step that could be very good for your job search, and probably even better for your long term career success: join a professional association.

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Do more of what you like!

ratings for interests

Learn about CareerOneStop’s new Interest Assessment, and find a career that allows you to do more of what you like.

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