Tag: first job

Find a summer job

Looking for a summer job? Want to earn some money and get work experience? Check out these tips to find a good summer job and be ready to apply when you find one! Get ready to apply Find job openings

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First job? You have lots of options

Pizza delivery

Looking for your first job? Wondering how to get hired? When it comes to getting a job, it’s true that “you’ve got to start somewhere,” and then learn skills on the job. But it’s helpful to know which positions are

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Need experience to get hired? Try these ideas

young coffee shop worker

Check out some of these different ways to build experience when you’ve never had a job.

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Stories of success inspire young adults

young African American man working in a lab

Whether you are a young adult seeking a career path, or an employment counselor for youth and young adults, check out these success stories from real people who have overcome barriers to achieve education and career success.

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Your summer job: put it on a resume

Amusement park cashier selling tickets

Summer jobs provide income, work skills, awareness of which tasks you like or don’t like, experience managing your own money,and more.  

Learn several great ways to highlight your summer job experience on a resume.

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5 benefits of an internship in high school

High school students looking at a phone

Finding paid work in high school can be very difficult when you haven’t had a job before.

Internships are a great way to get real work experience for a good career after high school.

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Career and Technical Education

High school students programming a robot

If we told you that high school students can earn high school credits while taking skill training that prepares them for high-wage, high-demand careers, would you say that sounds too good to be true?

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Communication skills check-up

Woman speaking to a group

Whether employers are hiring someone to make sandwiches, sell shoes, run science experiments, or repair plumbing—communication skills are always on the “must-have” list.

But, what exactly do employers mean by “communication skills”, and how can you tell if you have them?

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Want a career that keeps you active?

plant nursery workers

How many times have you heard someone say “I could NEVER sit behind a desk all day”? If that describes your outlook, there are plenty of career alternatives for you to investigate.

The variety of active careers is broad.

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Find a summer job

bicycle shop employee

A summer job is a great chance to gain work experience and skills, learn about yourself, and earn money.

Follow these 4 steps to land that summer job.

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