Tag: resumé

Create your personal brand

personal branding

Why take the time to develop a personal brand?

Besides helping you identify your personal strengths, having a brand can pull your resume to the top of the pile, make you shine in interviews, and leave your LinkedIn readers positively wowed.

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Spruce up your resume with the Resume Guide

CareerOneStop's Resume Guide logo

Ready to begin or fix up your resume? Before you dive right in, take the time to check out the strategies and tips in CareerOneStop’s Resume Guide.

It doesn’t have to take long—and the payoff will be worth it!

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3 questions to help focus your resume

Man writing resume

Time to create or update your resume? It can be tempting to jump right in with a list of job titles and employment dates.

But you wouldn’t prepare any other document or report without at least reviewing your facts and sources—why would you skimp on something as important as your resume?

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Take ownership of your career story

We all know that the days of a 40-year career at one company are mostly history. Today, our individual skills, talents, and accomplishments are the keys to career advancement.

But how exactly does one go about creating a career path—and landing that next great job—with a series of diverse experiences?

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Not seeing results in your job search?

You’ve done the research, found the jobs you want, created a killer resume, applied for a dozen job openings, and. . .nothing?

The fact is, there’s always a certain amount of tweaking you can do to your resume, your cover letter, and your interviewing skills.

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Why you need a great resume

CareerOneStop's Resume Guide

Been getting by with the same old resume for many years?

There’s no time like the present to spruce yours up. Visit CareerOneStop’s Resume Guide to learn why you need a great resume—and how to write it, format it, and market it.

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