Wondering which kinds of jobs pay the most? Check out this list of highest-paying careers* in the United States, for every level of education from high school to advanced degrees. Click on any career name to see a full profile…
Whatever stage of your job search you’re in—from just getting started to negotiating an offer—it’s a great idea to understand typical salary ranges for the careers you’re interested in.
There’s plenty of research showing that the more education you have, the more likely you are to earn a higher salary .
But what if you’re not sure you’re up for earning a four-year bachelor’s degree? there are many careers that require two-year associate’s degrees and offer opportunities to earn good wages.
Ever wondered what the earning potential is for your career? Or what a starting wage would be in a new field?
CareerOneStop’s Salary Finder provides salary information for more than 800 different occupations, for locations across the U.S.