Training and tools for workforce professionals

2 people meeting to career plan

One of the challenges of working as a career counselor, employment program staff, or other workforce professional is the amount of information you need to help people in a variety of circumstances. In recognition of National Career Development Month, this week’s CareerOneStop blog details some great training and tools to help workforce professionals address key needs and create high value in-person and remote employment-related services.

Introductory video

The CareerOneStop Overview Video for Workforce Professionals offers a quick tour of key CareerOneStop resources for career advisors and other workforce professionals.

Webinar series

These webinars are designed for workforce professionals and career advisors to help provide virtual services using CareerOneStop websites and tools. They were presented on WorkforceGPS, the online technical assistance and training website from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration.

Learn how to help your customers, students, and clients meet different needs:

  1. CareerOneStop tools to help your customers get back to work
    (Recorded webinarInstructional PPTList of web pages used)
    This webinar showcases ten tools that workforce professionals can use to help people find jobs and get back to work.
  2. Find immediate employment and apply for Unemployment Insurance benefits
    (Recorded webinarInstructional PPTUser guideList of web pages used)
    A walk-through of CareerOneStop tools and pages to help customers find short-term, immediate employment, and learn about benefits and other forms of assistance that may be available to them.
  3. Job search for new college graduates
    (Recorded webinarInstructional PPTUser guideList of web pages used)
    Learn how to use CareerOneStop to help new graduates an any level explore their career options and build a solid job search plan.
  4. Change occupations or industries
    (Recorded webinarInstructional PPTUser guideList of web pages used)
    Learn how to use CareerOneStop to help experienced workers explore and research new occupations or industries and target their resumes and networking efforts in a new direction.
  5. Develop new skills and knowledge
    (Recorded webinarInstructional PPTUser guideList of web pages used)
    Learn how to use CareerOneStop to help your customers find and pay for the education and training that will enhance and expand their career prospects.
  6. Overview of tools for Virtual Employment Services
    (Recorded webinarInstructional PPTUser guideList of web pages used)
    An overview webinar summarizing the common customer need pathways detailed in above webinars. The paths described are: Find immediate employment; Apply for unemployment and other benefits; Job search for new college graduates; Make longer-term career plans to change occupation or industry; Develop new skills and knowledge.
  7. Plan a career or job search with a criminal record, or transition from incarceration to employment.
    (Recorded webinarInstructional PPTUser guideList of web pages used)Learn how to use CareerOneStop to help individuals with a criminal record find valuable community resources, develop career and training plans, and conduct an effective job search.

Additional curriculum to adapt for your workshops and 1:1 services

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