Women veterans make their mark in the workforce

Woman looking out windowMost Americans know that women serve in all branches of the U.S. military, but may not realize that women have served since the American Revolution. Women veterans currently account for 10% of all veterans, and are younger, more educated, and more likely to represent a minority group than their male counterparts.

While all veterans bring significant qualifications and leadership abilities to their jobs, women veterans share particular accomplishments in the U.S. civilian workforce: more working women veterans enroll in school than do employed male veterans; and, compared to both women who have never served, and men veterans, women veterans also have a higher rate of participation in management and professional careers. They also have higher household incomes and are less likely to live in poverty, than non-veteran women.

As they pursue civilian careers, higher education support is a critical benefit accessed by women veterans. They complete degree programs at a rate higher than both women who have never served, and male veterans.

Career and education resources for women veterans

  • To support their job search, all veterans may obtain free, publicly-accessible employment services at American Job Centers nationwide. You can find American Job Centers in your local area using CareerOneStop’s AJC Finder; Centers offer help writing resumes, planning your job search strategy, accessing job databases, and more.
  • One of the challenges many veterans confront in transitioning from military- to civilian-style job interviews is learning how to promote themselves. On CareerOneStop.org, you can study up on job search skills, from writing an outstanding resume to preparing your answers to questions typically used by employers. For help translating your military experience into related civilian occupations with job openings in your local area, use the Military to Civilian Job Finder.
  • Women veterans who have significant barriers to employment may qualify for intensive services through the Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program, typically available through Veterans’ Services at American Job Centers. Follow-up research has shown that women veterans who use this service have increased success obtaining jobs and earning higher wages. The U.S. Department of Labor Office of Women Veterans offers a 30-minute webinar to learn more about these specialized services and how to qualify.
  • The Post 911 GI Bill helps fund higher education for all qualifying veterans. It covers the cost of tuition at public institutions and includes funds for housing and books and supplies. As of the most recent count, the Post-9/11 GI Bill has funded education costs for more than 247,000 women veterans. As Dr. Jim Wright, former president of Dartmouth College, and himself a GI Bill recipient, noted – the Bill provides an important opportunity that veterans have earned through their service. A veteran’s children may be able to use the benefit if the vet herself does not.

For more resources and information on local services, check out CareerOneStop’s Veteran’s ReEmployment website.

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