Category: Students

The Scholarship Finder: Tap into free money for college

CareerOneStop's Scholarship Finder logo

Thinking about college, a career school, or graduate school but wondering how you’re going to pay for it?

Along with filling out the FAFSA, you should also find and apply for many individual scholarships. CareerOneStop’s Scholarship Finder can help.

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Promising careers within reach

Hand holding a diploma in front of word Job

What kind of job could you get that pays well, but won’t take much extra training? A new study by Mathematica Policy Research just made the answer easier to find.

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How America loves to learn

Instructor with adult class

A recent Pew Research Center survey reveals that Americans prefer learning in-person over online methods, and that their strongest motivations to learn include both getting ahead, and personal fulfillment.

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New graduates: time to clean up your online image

entry level worker

Getting ready to graduate and hit the job market?

Take the time to clean up your social media profiles before future employers start looking for you online.

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Five Tips on How Recent College Grads Can Beat the Resume Robots

young woman writing resume

These days, the first screening of your resume and job application is not likely to be done by a person but by a computer using ATS (Applicant Tracking System) screening software

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Networking? Start using social media!

woman using computer

Even though networking is a very effective job search method, it can be daunting to pick up the phone or walk into a room and start talking.

Online networking offers another way to reach a large group of people who can power up your job search.

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Welding as a Career: Exciting, Rewarding and Secure

Welder welding metal in workshop with sparks

Looking for a solid career with a promising future?

Learn more about welding from guest blogger Audrey Jenkins.

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Ideas for a new career

man using laptop

Do you secretly believe a career assessment might reveal the “real you” ?

Career assessments can provide important feedback about finding a career that suits you.

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Study up on Apprenticeship Week

woman apprentice

Announcing the first annual National Apprenticeship Week, November 2-8!

Want to get paid to learn valuable job skills? Or recruit and retain a skilled, diverse workforce? Apprenticeship is on the rise.

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Jobs on the decline: Watch for narrowing job openings

decline graph

Wondering whether openings in your field are narrowing down, or if you will find job openings after investing in a training program?

To chart your future, take a look at these jobs on the decline, and what factors may be behind the changes.

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