Curriculum for career advisors

Woman in career counseling session

November is National Career Development Month, and the National Career Development Association encourages all career development professionals to celebrate with career-related activities. Just in time, CareerOneStop has posted curriculum for five separate “User Paths” to help you guide clients through key CareerOneStop resources.

Visit CareerOneStop Paths—User Guides where you can view, download, or print the curriculum for these five paths:

Path 1: Find short-term, immediate employment

Goal: Find short-term, immediate employment. Included are steps and tools to focus your job search, refresh your resume, and look for job postings and ideas on which kinds of organizations or jobs may be open to you during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Learn about industries in your local area that are hiring.
  • Identify 2-3 job titles to focus your search on.
  • Refresh your resume or get tools to write one that targets your job search goal.
  • Use online job search resources to find at least 3 viable job postings.
  • Use Business Finder to identify 3 local businesses that hire workers in your field.
  • Make a networking plan to reach out to at least 3 contacts about job openings in your identified fields.

Path 2: Apply for unemployment and other benefits

Goal: Find and apply for unemployment benefits and other assistance to meet your essential needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Identify your specific areas of need for financial assistance.
  • Learn about the key resources for unemployment insurance, housing, mental health, food assistance, and more, in your state or locality.
  • Learn how the local American Job Center can support your job search and local resourceconnections now, and in the future Path 3: Job search for new college graduates

Path 3: Job search for new college graduates

Goal: If you are a recent college graduate or anticipate graduating soon, learn how to conduct a job search. Learn methods for self-assessment, career exploration, and resume writing to support your job search process and success.


  • Take an interest assessment.
  • Research occupations from your assessment results and select 3-4 to focus on in your job search.
  • Create or improve your resume and LinkedIn profile.
  • Search job banks for jobs in your targeted fields.
  • Identify 2 professional associations to research.
  • Identify 3 networking connections related to your field

Path 4: Make longer-term career plans

Goal: Take time to make longer-term career plans and update your resume. Take career assessments, research occupations that interest you, and target your resume to the field you select.


  • Take interest and skills assessments and identify 3-4 prospective careers from your results to research.
  • Use Occupation Profile to learn details about tasks, work settings, required education and training, projected employment demand and wages for your 3-4 prospective career options.
  • Select 1-2 occupations to focus your efforts on.
  • Create or update your resume and online profile to reflect your targeted occupations.
  • Develop a simple networking plan for your targeted occupation, including relevant contacts, local employers, and professional associations.

Path 5: Develop new skills and knowledge

Goal: Make a plan to develop new skills and knowledge, to better position yourself to find a career job. Find out about free online education resources, information about in-demand credentials with short-term preparation requirements, and apprenticeship opportunities.


  • Learn about a variety of free and low-cost online training and education websites and opportunities.
  • Research training options in your local area for 1-2 occupation areas. Identify key information including school name and location, program name and contact information, prerequisites, program length, approximate cost, and options for online study/current delivery methods.
  • If apprenticeship interests you, identify 1-3 apprenticeship sponsors in the local area to contact regarding potential current and near future opportunities.

Looking for more ideas and resources?  Visit CareerOneStop’s Resources for Career Advisors.