Tag: competency models

NIICA leverages competency models for new Talent Hub

Read how the NIICA leveraged competency models to support apprenticeships, competency-based hiring, and our nation’s businesses and job seekers.   The Competency Model Clearinghouse (CMC) serves as an information hub that supports and promotes the use of competency data in workforce

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New Videos Released! How to Crosswalk Competency Models and Curriculum

Competency Model Clearinghouse logo

The Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration has released three new videos in its series, How to Crosswalk Competency Models for Curriculum Development.

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Coming soon: redesigned Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model

Competency Model Clearinghouse logo

Global Industry Association Takes the Lead to Redesign Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model and Develop the First Semiconductor Model

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Customizing competency models: new guide to help convene industry partners

Woman at a meeting

Interested in building and deepening industry partnerships to better align education and training with business need?

This new guide is for you!

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Thirsty for a new career? Look into the water sector

water sector worker

Would you like to have a job that puts you on the front lines of protecting the environment and your local community?

The water sector may be for you.

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