Author: CareerOneStop

Explore engineering careers

National Engineers Week

National Engineers Week, February 21 – 27, celebrates the diverse field of engineering and engineers’ contributions.

Engineering careers offer enormous versatility, as their work makes a significant impact on so many areas, including agriculture, electronics, construction, manufacturing, medicine, and more.

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How do employers set salaries?

Businessman with report chart

Ever wonder how a salary range is set by a business or other employer?

Many factors influence a job’s salary, but supply and demand generally has the largest impact.

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Employment background checks: what you need to know

image of green checklist

Background and other employment checks are a common piece of the job search process. Many employers check into your background before making a job offer. Most often, this includes your past employment, your credit or financial history, or your criminal

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Explore a career as a school counselor

National School Counseling Week 2021 graphic

If you’ve had a helpful experience with a school counselor or just like the idea of helping students, you may find a great career fit in this role.

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7 steps to keep you motivated in your job search

Man hiking in woods

A new year offers a sterling chance to refresh your job search and career goals. If you’ve been in the market for a while, it may be time to sharpen your focus and bring more energy and resilience into your

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Are your skills out of date?

new skills puzzle piece

Want to develop new work skills that will open up more job opportunities? Or upgrade qualifications in your current career?

This can be a great time to update your skills, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

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CareerOneStop helps identify your best training options

Young woman working on computer

Ready to take the next step to advance your career but not sure where to start?  CareerOneStop is a gateway to information about a range of education options from getting your GED to earning a short-term credential or an advanced

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Find a workplace culture you’ll thrive in

customer service representative

Thriving in a workplace culture can be a happy accident-or a well-planned success.

Learn how to match your work values to a workplace culture.

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Is this your time to start a small business?

Businessman talking on cellphone

Changing circumstances in the economy may be making self-employment a more intriguing option to consider, and there are plenty of helpful training and information resources to help you explore the possibilities.

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Need a career plan? Take a look at apprenticeship

National Apprenticeship Week 2020 graphic

If you’ve wondered about whether an apprenticeship might be a solid career opportunity for you, consider participating in events in your area!

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