Tag: skills

Job searching? Time to get cozy with your KSAs!

If you’re currently looking for a job, chances are you’ve ignited your network, polished your resume, and practiced your interviewing skills.

But have you spent any time learning to identify and highlight your KSAs?

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Can you describe your skills and abilities?

careerOneStop logo over skill & ability videos

If you’ve been in the job market recently, you know that skills are increasingly one of the most important job qualifications on employers’ minds. When you understand the nature of your own skills, you’re in a better position to answer

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Are your skills out of date?

new skills puzzle piece

Want to develop new work skills that will open up more job opportunities? Or upgrade qualifications in your current career?

This can be a great time to update your skills, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

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New Video Series: Crosswalk Competency Models for Curriculum Development

Competency Model Clearinghouse logo

Learn how to help students develop the in-demand competencies and skills needed by employers in your local area.

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Free online learning for work or pleasure

Take advantage of free online resources to develop your job-related skills, explore a personal interest, or exercise your learning muscles just for fun.

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Identify your skills—and explore new career options

New! Skills Matcher icon

CareerOneStop’s new Skills Matcher provides career options that match your current skills, helps identify the skills you have, and strengthens your skills awareness as you plan next steps for your career.

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Communication skills check-up

Woman speaking to a group

Whether employers are hiring someone to make sandwiches, sell shoes, run science experiments, or repair plumbing—communication skills are always on the “must-have” list.

But, what exactly do employers mean by “communication skills”, and how can you tell if you have them?

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Soft skills in an employer’s market

Work colleagues at a meeting

Soft skills—also known as work-readiness skills, people skills, or essential skills—are the skills you can’t put down on paper.

Soft skills are what make someone a good employee and easy to work with.

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10 skills to boost your paycheck

Skilled worker at a laptop

You may have heard that learning new skills is a great way to advance in your career.

But what specific skills should you focus on?

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Looking for the right career? Start with self-assessment

woman taking a career assessment

Career assessments that help you identify your skills, interests, or values can help you choose a good career fit.

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