Author: CareerOneStop

It’s National Manufacturing Day: learn about advanced manufacturing apprenticeships

Advanced manufacturing is one of the fastest-growing areas of manufacturing.

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Coming soon: redesigned Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model

Competency Model Clearinghouse logo

Global Industry Association Takes the Lead to Redesign Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model and Develop the First Semiconductor Model

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5 ways professional associations can help you boost your career

Professionals networking at an event

Looking for a way to develop professional relationships and build your network?

Consider joining or becoming more active in a professional association.

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New Video Series: Crosswalk Competency Models for Curriculum Development

Competency Model Clearinghouse logo

Learn how to help students develop the in-demand competencies and skills needed by employers in your local area.

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Ready to earn your high school equivalency?

If you don’t have a high school diploma, you can earn a high school equivalency (HSE) now and get the full benefits of a high school diploma.

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Career videos offer details on 100s of careers

CareerOneStop Video Library logo

Check out hundreds of updated career videos in CAreerOneStop’s Video Library.

Learn career details like tasks, wages, employment outlook, and more.

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Job search checklist

Planning a job search? 

Improve your chance of success with this checklist to plan your own personalized job search.

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Customizing competency models: new guide to help convene industry partners

Woman at a meeting

Interested in building and deepening industry partnerships to better align education and training with business need?

This new guide is for you!

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Apprenticeships in healthcare

healthcare worker assisting patient

Looking for a career where you can train on the job and have a good path for advancement?

Consider an apprenticeship in healthcare.

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It’s the week to celebrate local libraries

National Library Week 2019 logo

This week is a great week to celebrate the libraries in your community.

It’s National Library Week from April 7 to 13. 

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