Category: Students

Career and Technical Education: Careers in marketing

Female marketing professional writing on whiteboard

U.S. Department of Education-sponsored programs in Career and Technical Education prepare students for a wide variety of occupations, including business careers.

In support of their efforts, this week we’re profiling the growing field of market research analysts and marketing specialists.

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How to build a professional network

Woman on computer

Networking is about developing relationships that could be helpful to you in your job search and your career.

Building a professional network is achievable for almost everyone, by following these steps to identify your network and develop it.

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Fill out your FAFSA

FAFSA workbook

The FAFSA is your best route to getting financial aid for college.

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Try out manufacturing for a day

Manufacturing workers

October’s National Manufacturing Day aims to “inspire the next generation of manufacturers.”

There are more than 2,500 events scheduled throughout the country on October 5.

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5 benefits of an internship in high school

High school students looking at a phone

Finding paid work in high school can be very difficult when you haven’t had a job before.

Internships are a great way to get real work experience for a good career after high school.

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Find a career that engages you

Business woman running up steps

Have you ever asked yourself: “What would it be like to do work I am really passionate about?”

And the natural follow up question: “How do I find a job like that?”

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Wondering about a career in entertainment?

Theater marquee lit at night

The dazzle of being on camera or stage! The thrill of performing! The attention and applause!

Is your ultimate dream to work in the entertainment industry?

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Make a big impression with a portfolio

Looking at a portfolio

Want to wow an employer with your skills, and create a memorable impression of the quality of work you’ve done?

Consider building a portfolio—a collection of your past work samples— to bring to interviews, send to prospective employers, or even post online.

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5 great careers for animal lovers

dog trainer working with a dog

Love animals? 

Take a look at this list of careers that will keep you around animals nearly every day of your work life.

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Find a summer job!

Young woman barista

Having a summer job means earning a paycheck, gaining work skills, meeting new people, and may even be a lot of fun.

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