Tag: career exploration

Careers: Combine sports with other interests

Female coach with girls soccer team

Want a career that puts you in close proximity to a beloved sport, but not as an athlete?

Combine your passion for sports with a second area of interest or skill to find a great variety of career options

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5 careers for people who love food

Do you love all things food? Wish you could work with and around food as a career?

Check out these five career ideas.

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Career and Technical Education: Careers in marketing

Female marketing professional writing on whiteboard

U.S. Department of Education-sponsored programs in Career and Technical Education prepare students for a wide variety of occupations, including business careers.

In support of their efforts, this week we’re profiling the growing field of market research analysts and marketing specialists.

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Try out manufacturing for a day

Manufacturing workers

October’s National Manufacturing Day aims to “inspire the next generation of manufacturers.”

There are more than 2,500 events scheduled throughout the country on October 5.

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Find a career that engages you

Business woman running up steps

Have you ever asked yourself: “What would it be like to do work I am really passionate about?”

And the natural follow up question: “How do I find a job like that?”

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Wondering about a career in entertainment?

Theater marquee lit at night

The dazzle of being on camera or stage! The thrill of performing! The attention and applause!

Is your ultimate dream to work in the entertainment industry?

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Career Profile: Administrative Professionals

National Administrative Professionals’ Day is observed on April 25 this year.

Not only is it a great day to appreciate the work of individuals in these fields, but it’s also a chance to consider a career as a secretary or administrative assistant.

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Research your local job market

Man using computer to do career research.

Did you know CareerOneStop offers a collection of reports to help you better understand the employment climate where you live?

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Identify your skills—and explore new career options

New! Skills Matcher icon

CareerOneStop’s new Skills Matcher provides career options that match your current skills, helps identify the skills you have, and strengthens your skills awareness as you plan next steps for your career.

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Using data to make career decisions

Logo says "Knowledge is Power"

Time to make a big career decision? 

Whether you’re just beginning to investigate your career options, or you’re deep into planning a new twist to your established career path, making a career decision is complicated.

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