Category: Students

Locate youth employment programs in any U.S. neighborhood

counselor helping young people at an employment program site

Do you have young people in your life who could use some job, training, or career assistance?

Youth employment programs offer a range of services to help people plan and achieve career, training, or employment goals.

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Career Profile: Registered Nurses

Male and female nurses at desk

As of the most recent (2016) national count, there are nearly 3 million registered nurses working in the United States. That’s a huge number of jobs for one occupation!

And RN jobs are expected to continue to grow very fast over the next ten years.

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Spotlighting math careers on Pi Day!

Female math student at whiteboard

If you’re a math teacher, or someone who just finds math fun or intriguing, the annual celebration of Pi Day is probably already on your calendar. For March 14, Pi Day 2018, CareerOneStop spotlights careers that rely on math skills.

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5 high-pay careers you can enter with a two-year degree

dental hygienist at work

There’s plenty of research showing that the more education you have, the more likely you are to earn a higher salary .

But what if you’re not sure you’re up for earning a four-year bachelor’s degree?  there are many careers that require two-year associate’s degrees and offer opportunities to earn good wages.

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3 steps to line up your summer internship

College student with backpack

An internship may be a requirement of your program, but even if it isn’t required, an internship will enrich your skills, develop professional contacts, and grow your confidence.

Find out how to land your summer internship.

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Career and Technical Education Month

Career and Technical Education month 2018 logo

February is Career and Technical Education Month.

Want to learn more about the benefits of career and technical education for students and adult workers?

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Mentoring makes a difference

mentee and mentor meeting

Is the impulse to help others an innate human trait?

Helping others through mentoring is beneficial for both mentors and mentees, and has been around as long as human relationships have existed.

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Career and Technical Education

High school students programming a robot

If we told you that high school students can earn high school credits while taking skill training that prepares them for high-wage, high-demand careers, would you say that sounds too good to be true?

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Need training that leads to a job? Try workforce education.

Man working on computer server

Curious about what it would take to learn marketable skills that could earn you an in-demand new job?

Graduates of workforce education programs are ready for employment as soon as they finish, generally in careers that pay a family wage.

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Communication skills check-up

Woman speaking to a group

Whether employers are hiring someone to make sandwiches, sell shoes, run science experiments, or repair plumbing—communication skills are always on the “must-have” list.

But, what exactly do employers mean by “communication skills”, and how can you tell if you have them?

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