Author: CareerOneStop

Hot industry profile: Construction

new house construction

The construction industry is growing.

Today, nearly 7 million workers are employed in construction, and after shedding nearly a million jobs between 2006 and 2016, the industry is projected to regain most of that employment by 2026.

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Resources for criminal justice social workers

social worker helping individual with a criminal record

Are you a criminal justice social worker? 

CareerOneStop has a a website of resources just for you: Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders provides a collection of career, education and job search resources to help people with criminal records gain meaningful employment.

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Find new in-demand certifications

Certification Finder logo

Looking to boost your career by earning a certification that employers value?

CareerOneStop has recently updated its in-demand certification list.

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New online career tool for veterans

CareerOneStop's Toolkit

Want to put your military experience to work in a civilian career?

Check out CareerOneStop’s new Veterans Job Matcher.

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Looking for a hot career for 2019?

Wondering what the hot careers will be in 2019? And once you identify them, are you curious to know how you can boost your own credentials to earn a job in an in-demand field? One good place to start is

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5 careers for people who love food

Do you love all things food? Wish you could work with and around food as a career?

Check out these five career ideas.

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Putting a music degree to work


Whether you are studying music in an academic setting, pursuing a career in the music industry, or educating the next Mozart, you have likely been asked questions like:

I didn’t know you could study music in college. What are you going to do with your degree in music?

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Good vets job news for Veterans Day

veterans day logo

Veterans make excellent job candidates: their military experience has provided them with education, training, values, leadership skills, and teamwork experience that help them thrive in civilian jobs.

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5 not-so-true job search myths

Job searching is hard work. It can be complicated, it can feel mysterious—and it can sometimes seem like you’re the only person out there who doesn’t know the secrets to success.

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Happy holiday job searching

There are two big indicators that it’s going to be a bright holiday for those seeking seasonal jobs: the unemployment rate is lower than it’s been in decades, and consumer confidence is at an all-time high.

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