Author: CareerOneStop

How to discuss your disability in a job interview

Wondering if, when, or how to disclose your disability in a job interview? Bringing up a disability in a job interview requires thought and planning. You may feel uncertain about disclosing your disability at all. But ultimately, it’s up to

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Tips for employers looking to hire foreign workers

Foreign workers can make a vital contribution to your workforce. But there are specific rules and requirements for U.S. employers hiring workers from other countries. The U.S. Department of Labor’s s Foreign Labor Certification Program allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers

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Summer jobs for teens

Girls working in a community garden

Are you a teenager looking for work? This could be your lucky summer! There are many job openings in a wide variety of fields, and employers are motivated to fill jobs to maximize summer business – some are even paying

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Launching a career in organic farming

Have an interest in organic farming and wondering if you can make a career out of it?  The answer is yes, you can, but you may have to follow an unusual career path.

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Explore a career: Emergency medical technicians (EMTs)

African female EMT next to ambulance

Ever wonder what it feels like to be an EMT? Imagine driving with sirens blaring, your adrenaline running as you rush to the scene of an accident, preparing to take action to save the life of an injured person. Emergency

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Job change? Make it a brighter future

Change Word on Wood Blocks

The last couple of years have been turbulent for the job market. Many workers have left jobs and many employers are looking for workers. That makes this an especially good time to consider the major reasons people leave their jobs,

Apprenticeships in nearly every industry

Software engineer explaining to controlling robotic welding process to welder in factory.

You may know that an apprenticeship is a great way to get started in a career. It offers the chance to obtain paid, relevant workplace experience while acquiring the skills and credentials that employers value. When many people think about

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Find a workplace to match your values

Values spelled out on sticky pads on clothesline

Have you ever had a job where you liked the work itself, but the workplace or manager made your life miserable? Or maybe a job where the work was boring but your colleagues and the atmosphere kept you inspired? As

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Yes, you should advocate for your own professional development

Younger black man interviewing with 2 HR professionals

Whether you’re applying for jobs or thinking about how to advance or stay relevant in your current workplace, it’s always a good time to think about your short- and long-term professional development. What’s professional development?  It simply means all of

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Explore a career: Welders

Underwater welder working on equipment

Ever wonder how underwater bridge supports hold together? Or how high-rise buildings maintain integrity so many stories up? Welding is a trade with ancient roots dating back more than four thousand years, but that now operates at the edge of

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