Category: Workers with criminal records

Communication skills check-up

Woman speaking to a group

Whether employers are hiring someone to make sandwiches, sell shoes, run science experiments, or repair plumbing—communication skills are always on the “must-have” list.

But, what exactly do employers mean by “communication skills”, and how can you tell if you have them?

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From incarceration to employment

young man interviews for job

Reentry week, April 24-28, 2017, co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Justice, calls attention to the approximately 600,000 citizens who will leave incarceration this year and return to their communities and families.

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Be ready for a new career in months


Want to learn job skills and get ready for a new career in a hurry? Short-term training programs can be a great choice.

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Labor laws protect vulnerable workers

Sign: Do you know your rights?

Did you know that everyone who works in the United States has the same workplace rights?

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Do you need a license for that job?


Did you know that nearly 30 percent of U.S. workers need a license to perform their job?

Learn more about licensing requirements in all 50 states.

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Find the certifications employers value the most

Career woman

Ready to boost your career?

Earning a certification is a great place to start.

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Can you erase your criminal record?

Blue sky

Is a criminal record interfering with your job search and other goals? You may be able to seal your record and make a new start.

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Networking? Start using social media!

woman using computer

Even though networking is a very effective job search method, it can be daunting to pick up the phone or walk into a room and start talking.

Online networking offers another way to reach a large group of people who can power up your job search.

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3 tips for getting a job when you have a criminal record

Job hunting is hard work under any circumstances, but nearly 70 million U.S. adults face an additional challenge: convincing an employer to hire them when they have a criminal record.

So what can you do if you’re one of those 70 million? Here are three steps you can take to increase your chances of being hired.

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Tips for discussing your criminal record at a job interview

Ban the Box—laws that bar employers from asking about criminal records on initial job applications—have been passed in nearly 70 cities and 13 states.

That’s good news for job seekers with a past conviction—but it doesn’t mean they won’t have to discuss that conviction as they move through the hiring process.

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