Category: Uncategorized

The surprising value of a liberal arts education

Woman leading a design team

If you’re weighing the pros and cons of a liberal arts major, there’s a book you may want to consult before you jettison a field you are passionate about in favor of a degree that seems more marketable.

You Can Do Anything: The Surprising Power of a “Useless” Liberal Arts Education by George Anders.

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Free online learning for work or pleasure

Take advantage of free online resources to develop your job-related skills, explore a personal interest, or exercise your learning muscles just for fun.

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Apprenticeships in healthcare

healthcare worker assisting patient

Looking for a career where you can train on the job and have a good path for advancement?

Consider an apprenticeship in healthcare.

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It’s the week to celebrate local libraries

National Library Week 2019 logo

This week is a great week to celebrate the libraries in your community.

It’s National Library Week from April 7 to 13. 

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Job application encounter: The ATS

Keyboard highlighting Yes and No options

If you’ve applied for a job in recent years, especially at a large company, your application has undoubtedly encountered an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

Will your resume successfully make its way past an ATS?

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Hot industry profile: Construction

new house construction

The construction industry is growing.

Today, nearly 7 million workers are employed in construction, and after shedding nearly a million jobs between 2006 and 2016, the industry is projected to regain most of that employment by 2026.

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WIOA: A law to help people find good jobs

Diverse crowd of people

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a federal law that helps job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services.

Find out how you may benefit from WIOA services.

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Resources for criminal justice social workers

social worker helping individual with a criminal record

Are you a criminal justice social worker? 

CareerOneStop has a a website of resources just for you: Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders provides a collection of career, education and job search resources to help people with criminal records gain meaningful employment.

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Be strategic with your first resume

young woman looking at laptop screen

What does it take to make your first resume polished, professional, and focused?

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Conquer the emotional downfalls of a job search

man on couch watching tv eating popcorn

A job search can feel like an emotional roller coaster.

Read up on some of the most common emotional downfalls that may occur in a job search and how to avoid them or work your way through them.

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