Author: CareerOneStop

Will there be a delay in unemployment benefit payments?

Worried young businesswoman

Some states may need a couple weeks to upgrade thier unemployment insurance systems to include the latest payment enhancements.

Find out how to check on your payments.

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It’s not too late to land a holiday job

young woman using laptop computer

Businesses are hiring for in-store retail assistance as well as sorting, packing, and shipping help to handle the holiday shopping rush.

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Virtual job search assistance for veterans

Veterans Day graphic

This Veterans Day comes with unique challenges for veterans seeking civilian employment. As workplaces and the labor market adapt to the changing environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, job searching can seem more complicated than ever. But there are many

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Curriculum for career advisors

Woman in career counseling session

CareerOneStop offers printable curriculum for five separate “User Paths” to help career professionals guide clients through key CareerOneStop resources,

Promote workplace inclusivity and expand your hiring pool

NDEAM2020 graphc

Every October, U.S. employers are reminded of the opportunity they have to hire and retain a ready workforce that is often underutilized.

Find ideas to recruit candidates, engage, and support workers who have disabilities in your organization.

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Industry profile: careers in telecommunications

Telecommunication manual high worker

Telecommunications is an industry sector that includes companies that transmit data in words, voice, audio, or video around the world. It includes: Wired networks that provide landline phones, cable TV, and internet to homes and businesses. Wireless service providers that

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What could you earn in a new city?

Green U.S. dollar sign

Ever wondered how much your pay might grow or shrink in a different city or state?

Find out with CareerOneStop’s Compare Salaries.

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Enhance your career website with CareerOneStop’s API service

Did you know you can publish CareerOneStop data directly on your own website? CareerOneStop offers a wide range of career, employment, and education data as Web API Services, which provide you with quality-controlled datasets and allows you to simply and

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Young adult and out of work? Get help finding a job.

It can be hard to find a job when you’re young—especially if you don’t have a degree or a lot of work experience. And this summer, with the unemployment rate soaring across the country, it can seem nearly impossible. And

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Updated Competency Model: Advanced Manufacturing

An updated Advanced Manufacturing Model is now live on the Competency Model Clearinghouse. For the first time, the rapidly growing electronics design and manufacturing industry is represented in the model. The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) worked with SEMI, the

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