Category: Job seekers

Job interview tips for older workers

A job interview is your time to shine during the job application process. To many employers, your social skills and your attitude is just as important as your job skills. Here are some tips to help you demonstrate the asset

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Target your job search like a pro

Workers on subway escalator

Looking for a way to bypass the competition for job openings? Targeting a list of companies you’d like to work for is a proven effective job search strategy that puts you in the driver’s seat. CareerOneStop’s Business Finder is a

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Introvert or extrovert at work?

Illustration of introvert woman and extrovert man

How much does your introversion or extroversion preference affect your career choices? The short answer is: it probably depends a lot on how strong your preference is. If you thrive with lots of people around you, frequent changes, do OK

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3 tips to avoid job scams

It’s easy to find and apply for job openings online. But it’s also easy to get scammed by criminals looking for your money, your personal information, or both.  Most legitimate job search engines are careful about identifying scammers and weeding

Tell me about a time… how to answer behavioral interview questions

Young woman making video call through computer

Ever stumbled in a job interview and wished you had prepared more? It can be difficult to think back on your work history in the middle of an interview. But sharing an on-point story or example from your past experience

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Earn certifications to boost your career

CareerOneStop Toolkit Certification Finder

Looking for a way to boost your job qualifications? You might want to consider earning a certification that hundreds of employers nationwide are looking for in their hiring efforts. If you’re new to the concept, a certification is a credential

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It’s 2023—do you still need a cover letter to apply for a job?

If you’re job searching, you may notice that some postings or online applications don’t require that you send a cover letter. You may have even heard that in today’s job market, overwhelmed hiring managers have no time to read through

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Career Profile: Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy technician helps a customer

Curious about a career that tends to have lots of job openings, and requires only a high school diploma to qualify? Pharmacy technicians are employed by pharmacies and hospitals to help customers get their prescriptions and make sure customer information

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What are the highest paying jobs?

graphic image of calculator, stack of money

Want to earn more in your job? Wondering which careers pay the best? You may be considering a job change at this start to a new year; exploring high-paying careers can be a great motivator. To see the most recent

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Job search resolutions: a New Year’s action plan

Ready to ramp up your job search in the new year? This week is a great week to set some resolutions for your job search. Research shows that when you set goals, create a job search plan, and track your

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