Category: Uncategorized

Good work for Labor Day

Labor Day icon

Learn how CareerOneStop can help make this your best Labor Day ever!

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4 types of pre-employment checks you should prepare for

word cloud of employment check language

Did you know that background and other employment checks are a common piece of the job search process?

Prepare yourself by knowing what to expect.

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Soft skills in an employer’s market

Work colleagues at a meeting

Soft skills—also known as work-readiness skills, people skills, or essential skills—are the skills you can’t put down on paper.

Soft skills are what make someone a good employee and easy to work with.

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7 tips for getting the most out of a job fair

People at a job fair

Does the very idea of a job fair make your palms sweat?  Or do you get truly excited at the thought of getting to meet so many potential employers?

Whatever your personality, follow these simple tips to help you make the most of your job fair experience.

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Want a career that keeps you active?

plant nursery workers

How many times have you heard someone say “I could NEVER sit behind a desk all day”? If that describes your outlook, there are plenty of career alternatives for you to investigate.

The variety of active careers is broad.

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School counselors: meet your new favorite resource!

School counselor and student meeting

Looking for solid resources to help your students advance their career planning?

Meet, a website of career, training, and job search resources for young adults, from the U.S. Department of Labor.

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Tee up summer goal setting

Target with "goals" in center

As the year approaches its halfway mark, it’s a great time to check in on your goals for 2017.

Even if New Year’s optimism has given way to discouragement or indifference, there is plenty of time left to work on building a platform for what you want to do next.

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Find a summer job

bicycle shop employee

A summer job is a great chance to gain work experience and skills, learn about yourself, and earn money.

Follow these 4 steps to land that summer job.

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Dear graduates: it’s a great time to be you

College graduate

This year’s college graduates have a strong job market for landing that first job. And, we know more than ever about the skills and qualities employers are looking for in new hires.

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Thank a teacher, be a teacher?

teacher and students in classroom

National Teacher Appreciation week, May 8-12 2017, is a great time to express appreciation to your teachers and, to explore the possibilities for entering this influential field.

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