Author: CareerOneStop

Small business owner or wannabe? Learn about the skills it takes to succeed

Femal boutique owner

In support of Small Business Week, this week’s CareerOneStop blog features a model of the skills, knowledge and abilities that contribute to successful entrepreneurship. For people who operate a small business, this model may be useful to help evaluate potential

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New on CareerOneStop: How-to Guides

CareerOneStop has added three How-to Guides to help website users discover and make the most of the resources available on CareerOneStop websites. Each of the Guides walks users through five to six simple steps to help them achieve one of

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Find yourself in STEM

Female mechanics or engineers examining aircraft engine

You may have heard the term “STEM” tossed around—referring to careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Or “STEAM”, which adds Arts to the mix. If you’re curious about what STEM is all about, take a look at this sector

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Employment documents: what you’ll need and where to find them

Need to find some documents for a job application or new job?  Throughout your job search you’ll probably need to access some or all of the documents below. What you’ll need for applications and resumes School and employment records. Almost

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Earn a certificate after high school

Graduates tossing caps into the air

There are still a few weeks of summer, but if you are a high school senior or a parent of one, you have probably started to think about what’s going to happen once graduation day has passed. Many students either

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Polish your job application skills

CareerOneStop Toolkit Practice Job Application icon

Have you ever started filling out an online job application and dropped off partway through? Maybe you were at a kiosk at a major retailer. Or maybe you were at home working under a time limit. Either way, online job

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Workforce professionals: Skill up on using CareerOneStop!

illustration of people building a job growth chart

If you are a workforce professional, you depend on a variety of resources to support the success of your students or customers. Ideally, CareerOneStop should be one of them. CareerOneStop offers essential, easy-to-use tools built on authoritative data and information

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School counselor? Check out CareerOneStop’s free resources!

This weekend CareerOneStop is excited to join thousands of school counseling professionals in Austin, Texas, for the American School Counselor Association Annual Conference. Are you a school counselor looking for solid resources to help your students advance their career planning?

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Military spouse? Find career and job search help here

Married to a military service member? Learn about a variety of helpful resources for military spouses to find employment, education, and training resources, along with other benefits and assistance. U.S. Department of Labor Resources CareerOneStopSponsored by the U.S. Department of

How to discuss your disability in a job interview

Wondering if, when, or how to disclose your disability in a job interview? Bringing up a disability in a job interview requires thought and planning. You may feel uncertain about disclosing your disability at all. But ultimately, it’s up to

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