Category: Uncategorized

Are your skills out of date?

new skills puzzle piece

Want to develop new work skills that will open up more job opportunities? Or upgrade qualifications in your current career?

This can be a great time to update your skills, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

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Find a workplace culture you’ll thrive in

customer service representative

Thriving in a workplace culture can be a happy accident-or a well-planned success.

Learn how to match your work values to a workplace culture.

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Is this your time to start a small business?

Businessman talking on cellphone

Changing circumstances in the economy may be making self-employment a more intriguing option to consider, and there are plenty of helpful training and information resources to help you explore the possibilities.

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Virtual job search assistance for veterans

Veterans Day graphic

This Veterans Day comes with unique challenges for veterans seeking civilian employment. As workplaces and the labor market adapt to the changing environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, job searching can seem more complicated than ever. But there are many

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Need a career plan? Take a look at apprenticeship

National Apprenticeship Week 2020 graphic

If you’ve wondered about whether an apprenticeship might be a solid career opportunity for you, consider participating in events in your area!

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How to talk with teens about their future

father and son talking

If you are a parent or guardian of a teenager, learn how to launch a conversation with your teen about their future education and career.

Start with this list of topics for a great conversation with your teen to fuel his enthusiasm, sense of possibility, and planning.

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Promote workplace inclusivity and expand your hiring pool

NDEAM2020 graphc

Every October, U.S. employers are reminded of the opportunity they have to hire and retain a ready workforce that is often underutilized.

Find ideas to recruit candidates, engage, and support workers who have disabilities in your organization.

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Developing a local business sector partnership?

Competency Model Clearinghouse logo

Building sector partnerships to expand a business sector in your community requires a shared understanding of jobs in the industry.

Discover competency models that can help you define the skills, knowledge, and other requirements needed for jobs in a wide variety of sectors.

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Industry profile: careers in telecommunications

Telecommunication manual high worker

Telecommunications is an industry sector that includes companies that transmit data in words, voice, audio, or video around the world. It includes: Wired networks that provide landline phones, cable TV, and internet to homes and businesses. Wireless service providers that

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Veterans: interested in a federal job?

man working on his laptop at home

Working for the federal government can be a great option for veterans.

Learn about federal job structure, veterans’ preference, hiring process, and more.

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